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Our Academics

During the earliest periods of a child’s life, when growth is rapid, significant, and meaningful, the global curriculum we’ve chosen to promote the greatest in sound growth and learning is the Emerging Language and Literacy Curriculum (ELLC). This program provides children with a balanced approach to literacy learning; it’s based upon 22 storybook themes.


Each theme lasts two weeks, is child-focused, and play-based. A combination of direct teaching, small group interaction, and learning centers provide each child with a foundation for developing necessary language and literacy skills. Direct teaching during Circle Time allows for specific concepts, vocabulary, language, and information to be communicated by the lead teacher. The small-group time is dedicated to teaching letter/sound correspondence. Finally, Learning Center time allows children to interact with peers in both associative and cooperative play. All of these teaching environments encourage children to communicate their thoughts and feelings in classroom discussions.

This particular curriculum offers an inviting atmosphere that encourages curiosity, inventiveness, problem-solving, and spontaneous energy. Young children must see, touch, taste, and hear if they are to learn. Educating at this stage consists of learning to discover and master experiences. Discovery is an active process for children, they are beginning to recognize likes, dislikes, and even how to manage feelings. Staff is encouraged to respect and attune instruction to each learner’s individual interests, styles, and rates of comprehension with each of our individual learners.

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